Table of Contents
Wish List
There are still many principle descriptions that are only stubs, which means major parts are missing: List of Stubs
Incomplete Principle Collections
Further Principles
- Don't Write Code To Find Code – origin unknown
- Minimize Intellectual Distance – generalization of MP; see also Davis: “201 Principles of Software Development”
- You Ain't Gonna Need It (YAGNI) – see KISS
- Once And Only Once (OAOO) – see DRY
- Fowler's First Law of Distributed Object Design (see “Patterns of Enterprise Pattlication Architecture p. 89”)
- Form follows function
Places Where Further Principles May Hide
- Don't Name Classes Object Manager Handler Or Data (see also Clean Code p. 25)
- Unix Philosophy
- Joshua Bloch: How to Design a Good API & Why it Matters
- alternative version of the talk:
- principle-like summary:
- 97 things
- Clean Code
- LeBlanc's Law: Later equals never
- Blocks should be one line long (p. 35)
- Functtion names should not be just a restatement of the function implementation (p. 36)
- Stepdown Rule (p. 136)
wiki/wish_list.txt · Last modified: 2013-10-23 22:48 by christian